Saturday, February 26, 2011

War Toys & Peace

Guns, rifles, swords, ninja stars, shields, hatchets, axes, knives, grappling hooks, claws, daggers, you name it, we have it. Cardboard ones that is. Painstakingly made with love and care. Tinfoil tape, packing tape, duct tape, doweling and cardboard are the materials of choice.

My two boys love making weapons, always have, whether I like it or not. It's a struggle for me. I'm always pondering this. Is it a struggle because "what will other people say" ? or is it that I just don't understand? Maybe both. I live with all males, totally outnumbered and I have days where they become aliens to me, completely clueless to their inner workings. Being a mom I'm always thinking about creating a peaceful and harmonious home. My ideas generally look like this: holding hands & skipping, drawing pictures of sunshine & butterflies, sharing feelings. You get the picture. Boys have a different idea, a different plan. When I try to implement these ideas they are not well-received. When my boys are required to take part in my plan they are unhappy, resentful and sometimes down-right angry. Let's be clear though, my boys are loving, kind, compassionate, generous and gentle. A light bulb went on for me the other day. I watched as my boys were planning and building a new arsenal of weapons. Happiness, passion, cooperation, thoughtfulness, creativity and peace were all very apparent. Isn't this what I've been seeking to fill my home with? How could something that is a symbol of violence and death bring so much joy to my children? I will never understand I suppose but what I do understand is that pushing my ideas as to what peace is onto another is.......not peaceful. Peace is respect, peace is understanding, peace is patience, peace in non-judgement, peace is love.

As for 'what will other people say?' I'm still working on that........


  1. This is so familiar to me, especially coming from a family of three girls to one where, like you, I'm the only female. But the first thing I noticed was the artistry with which all your boys' weapons are made--they're really beautiful. And I love how you noticed that when they were engaged in something interesting to them, all the qualities we associate with happy kids arose naturally. Thank you for this thoughtful post.

  2. This is a beautiful post! I love how you define peace!

  3. Thanks for your comments ladies. Much appreciated. I'm surprised anyone read it as I made this blog as a platform to sort out my ever-pondering mind.
